Part I: Scanning
The Canoscan and A3 Scanner (connected to iMac 11) can scan straight into Photoshop. Once you have plugged in the scanner and opened Photoshop, go to the top bar and choose.
File > Import > Images from device.
This will open a new window up called 'import images from device', make sure your resolution is set to at least 300 DPI and choose the folder you want to save you work in. I would suggest creating a folder on the desktop and saving there and moving you files to the Arts drive and your personal hard drive when you have finished for the day.
Then select the area you want to scan by dragging the mouse across the preview image, this make a dotted rectangle, anything inside it will be scanned. Then click the scan button.
The image will open up in Photoshop as a .jpeg, you're now ready for the next stage which is cleaning up your artwork for digital colouring.
Note: If you are using the A3 scanner connected to iMac HS02 you will have to scan your art work in a different way using EPSON Scan. [You can get the application from the applications folder and drag it onto the task bar at the bottom]
Follow the same process as above and choose 'preview' and then select the area you want to scan, scan to your chosen folder and then open into Photoshop ready to edit.
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