Thursday, 3 July 2014

So Long for the Summer

India here, in what will likely be my last post on the Draw the Dinosaur blog. As you'll know from Nick, I've been given the exciting opportunity to work with SEGA Hardlight! As a massive Sonic nut, there is no way that I can resist the call of the blue blur, so I'm sad to say that I'll be leaving you all - albeit in the extremely capable hands of Nick and Matthew.

I will truly miss working here at Wirral Met, and I really wish all of the graduating Level 6s success with their futures, and the new Level 6s a great year. I've just attending a meeting in which Nick and Matthew have decided what they'll be teaching next year, and I can tell you that there are some really great, creative projects planned. The new Level 5s in particular will have a lot to get their teeth into.
I'll be relying on Matt to keep me updated on how you react to what they have planned.
For now, you should all feel free to contact me via email if there is ever anything that you want to ask. I'll leave you with a brilliant little video of an animator inserting animations into reality using clear frames. Worth a watch! Enjoy!
- India