So, as this term draws to a close, and our second years prepare
for a little well deserved rest and relaxation, lets take a few minutes to focus on what it is that we want for our future.
A career in art is a wonderful thing. If you are passionate about your discipline, it's only natural to want a career in it. Spend the rest of my life being paid to do what I love? Don't mind if I do.
However, the term 'art' is incredibly broad, and it's worth considering what you want to do specifically before barelling ahead with only a general idea.
So, while you sip iced tea and relax in our famous English tropical climate, consider what you want to be your focus.
Do you want to do band poster art to be pasted on a wall, or paint canvasses to be hung in a gallery?
Would you rather Animate 2D jet booster effects for Anime, or in-game walk cycles for realistic next gen RPGs?
These decisions will affect not only what you choose as a learning objective for your third year with us, but also what software you should learn and use, which artists are best to take inspiration from, and most importantly, how you go about making these aspirations a reality once you leave College and begin applying for your first job.
With this in mind, take a look over these sheets, which aim to give you a few questions to bear in mind and try and help you think more deeply about exactly what part of animation or illustration YOU find the most inspirational.
When you return to meet with Nick and I after half term, please have a rough idea of what you'd like to pursue going forward so we can tailor the course to be the most relevant for you.